Our Purpose

Parkinson Partners LLC (PPLLC) is founded on an important belief that was shaped by 18+ years of direct, personal assistance to hundreds of Parkinson’s patients and their families.  We believe that people with Parkinson’s (pwps) are often kept from attaining the best healthcare outcomes and the highest quality of life possible by simple obstacles that can be removed — if you know how.  These obstacles include:

  • Limited education and common misconceptions about the disease.
  • Failure to make full use of healthcare professionals and other resources available to pwps.
  • Insufficient encouragement and support from family and friends.
  • Lack of guidance on how to adjust to the new and rapidly changing conditions of life with Parkinson’s.
  • Not developing long-term plans to meet the challenges of the disease.

PPLLC eliminates such obstacles to a better life through the dual strategy of personal patient advocacy and lifestyle consulting to pwps and their families. We are working with patients and families on an individual basis or as a consultant through an agency.